Tuesday, March 4, 2008


那天去了公司附近的 Happy Garden @ Kafe Indianna 吃了雲吞面.從來不懂原來這裡面有一攤云吞面,是同事們介紹才恍然一下..據說他們的云吞很好吃,面也很好吃,湯也很好喝...反正好吃好吃就是啦!!


他們是老闆娘和老闆,還有個工人..這兩公婆會經常,突然大吵起來,老婆就會,ping ping piang piang!!很大力的做面..還會很兇罵工人! 哈哈! 還試過因為她發脾氣害到同事遲到..嚴重!!

話說回來,他們的面真的好吃..尤其我還蠻喜歡她的雲吞跟叉燒!!sioup~sioup neiii~看~她的大真的很大哦!大小份量分得很清楚,不像一些地方的大和小份的沒差別!哈! 喔~對了,小的是rm3.50,大的就rm4.00

就是她們~就是她們囉~就是她們.....帶我來吃的!! 哈哈!! TQTQ " *..* :

1 comment:

David on Travel said...

haha!...my mom use to sell curry laksa there before but it just lasted for few months...haha but people usually go there for their Wantan Mee and is famous...

Yah! agree with you as their Wantan Mee is in big portion and it taste good especially their Char Siew as they make themself one...

The aunty and the uncle there is quite fierce just like you mention..haha! coz last time use to help my mum there and they usually shouted at their workers..quite pity the workers there!

But not a bad place to eat and is cheap too..Cool! ;)